Johnson County Community College
Saturday, July 18th
Starts 9 am to 10 am
- Enter JCCC from Quivira, at 1st right past College Blvd
- Follow O signs to upper level of parking deck just South of Regnier Center
- Regnier Center is the east most building on the campus just south of the Carlsen center
- Course is 2.9 km
- You can run in shorts
- Since this is a College there may be a test after the run.
- There are several road crossing and curbs on course, be careful and watch for traffic, although traffic is usually minimal on Saturdays.
- There are numerous forbidden areas on the map:
o Parking garages and Maintenance area shown with purple lines
o Landscaping and plant beds shown as olive green
o It is extremely important that runners stay out of the landscaped areas-those who cross them will be disqualified.